Pathologists are also called upon to perform autopsies. It is also important to understand that a different laboratory might produce a different value on the same specimen.

In other words, when a doctor refers to a "laboratory result", they are not referring to a number generated by a black box instead, it is the interpretation of a value by a pathologist or a technologist. They, along with medical technologists, process specimens at medical laboratories for interpretations. Pathologists are also responsible for laboratory specimens.

Microscopic examination searches for disease of any type र this information is returned to the surgeon via a pathology report. Tissue samples are taken from the submitted specimens, stained, र processed for microscopic evaluation. Essential to everyday surgeries, pathologists are responsible for processing र reporting on all specimens generated during surgery. Pathology is a large र diverse field that allows a pathologist to participate in multiple areas of the field or focus their scope to a specific area. (One could argue that reconstructive surgery always has some cosmetic aspect to it, because form र function are often both important in plastic surgery repairs.) Thus there is no real art of "cosmetic surgery": it is a catch-all commercial phrase that laypeople understand easily र non-plastic surgeons eagerly use because they are not allowed to use the term "plastic surgery".īecause the public rarely meets pathologists, their work is not well understood. The term "cosmetic surgery" however, simply refers to surgery that is designed to improve cosmetics, or appearance. It is thus important to distinguish the terms "plastic surgery" र "cosmetic surgery": Plastic Surgery is recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (the only official entity overseeing physician certification in the United States) as the subspecialty dedicated to the surgical repair of defects of form or function-this includes cosmetic (or aesthetic) surgery, as well as reconstructive surgery. Within the US, critics of plastic surgery note that it is legal for any doctor, regardless of speciality, to perform "cosmetic surgery", but not "plastic surgery". As for any operation, cosmetic procedures involve risk, र should therefore not be undertaken lightly. They will spend some time working र learning with only their eyes र a simple recording tool such as a notebook.Ĭosmetic surgery is a very popular avenue for personal enhancement, as demonstrated by the ११.९ million cosmetic procedures performed in the U.S. They will take time to learn र understand the motions of the Earth, the moon, र the planets. Amateurs should buy books or charts showing the constellations र the important stars they contain.
Another word for understand how to#
Many new astronomers buy expensive or poorly made telescopes, but do not know how to use them, do not know what they are looking at, र soon become frustrated र go on to another hobby. When an amateur astronomer has taken some time to learn र understand the night sky, "then" it is time to buy a telescope.Ī pair of binoculars is, in fact, the "best" tool for a new astronomer.

They are even better than telescopes for looking at things such as the closer galaxies or very bright comets. This is what it means in Simple English:īinoculars are an excellent tool for a beginner, because they are inexpensive, they do not need to be set up or taken down, they are easy to use, र they let the user see interesting things such as the moon's craters, double stars, star clusters such as the Pleiades, र the moons of other planets. विश्व स्वास्थ्य सङ्गठन (WHO) का अनुसार स्वास्थ्य भनेको: "A dynamic state of complete physical, mental, spiritual र social wellbeing र not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." This is not a simple sentence, but this is important to understand. The occupational health team must be aware of the work hazards, understand how to assess the risks in a particular workplace र how these should be controlled, as well as be able to recognise, treat र control occupational disease should it occur. Occupationally related disease र ill-health are an important cause of morbidity र mortality in the world. Their goal is to understand र predict the events which happen in the universe र how the universe was formed. These "theoretical" astronomers use the laws of physics र mathematics in combination with computers to create "models" of how the universe behaves, then they compare their models to what is observed. There are also astronomers who never look at the sky at all.